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The Pacific Northwest Fjord Promotional Group (PNFPG) is organized as a non-profit,
non-political, international organization open to all Fjord enthusiasts. This group's purpose is to promote interest, ownership, and the safe use of Norwegian Fjord Horses.
We are about the business and the pleasure of promoting the unique versatility and disposition of this wonderful, rare breed by members' participation in parades, horse shows, fairs, expositions, trail and mountain riding, as well as special functions wherever possible. Fjords do it all and are truly the all-around family horse.
The PNFPG welcomes all Fjord enthusiasts! If you're looking to get started or learn more about the breed, we welcome the opportunity to share the Fjord with you! Contact us today to find out how you can get involved.

As we roll into 2016, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the PNFPG. We strive to continue the legacy started by the founding 5 families to continue spreading the enjoyment and promotion of this fantastic breed!